
Dr. Lloyd H. Muller is available for a variety of writing services ranging from editing to full-length articles.


Reviewers of my bibliography will see that I have covered a wide variety of writing assignments. They range from major studies and novels to articles on logistics and sports to editing the works of other authors. They also cover a broad spectrum of environments and themes. All of this is possible because of my diverse experiences accumulated over many years of seeing actions occurring by many different people. They all have their stories to tell, and I have told them.

Specifically, I can write well researched articles on business and governmental topics that revolve around logistics, international cultures, humanitarian and disaster relief. I can also write on sporting issues with emphasis on skiing where I have 25 years of instructing experience. If team writing is desired, then I will be glad to do so as well. I can work as either a writer with the partner providing research or vice versa. Ghost writing is another possibility. For example, someone might want to write an autobiography. Give me the information, and I can create the story.


Editing is an art form in itself. Here, the writer’s ideas and passions take center stage. He or she has a message that must be sent out to the world. My job is to help that writer achieve that goal. My services can be particularly helpful for anyone writing in English as a second language. From having to write in several foreign languages myself, I understand well how true meanings can be lost in choices of words or syntaxes.

Below is an example of what a client’s writing looked before and afterwards. This author is a Spanish language historian who has a passionate devotion to democracy. His book is dedicated to all who doubt its relevance in today’s world of seeming chaos.


In this essay we will be dealing with the origin and especial development of Anglo-Saxon Democracy, to better appreciate its precious value and its distinct roots. This is not only necessary for the expected participation of the citizens in the democratic decisions about their lives, but also required of public servants in general, if they are going, not only to take for granted, but appreciate, respect and admire the democratic institutions they enjoy.

Allow me, then, this opportunity to insist in considering what represent the fascinating subject of democratic development, as if I were talking, during related lectures, to my former law students.


In this essay, without the extension of a complete treatise, we will be dealing with the origin and development of Western Anglo-Saxon democracy up through its possible future projections. This is exceptionally important, not only to appreciate its distinct political roots better, but also to understand its precious value as a best form of governance. Political developments in the early 21st century makes such understanding equally necessary for the citizens in a democracy, for their required participation in decisions important to their lives. And not less is this understanding required of public servants, if they are going to apprehend and govern the democratic institutions they also enjoy and frequently take for granted. Allow me, then, this opportunity to insist on considering what represents the fascinating subject of democratic development, as if I were talking, during related lectures, to my former law students in the classroom.

Differences can readily be seen. The author’s first version was rambling and a bit incomplete. The second version was tighter in structure and had the detail to illustrate his contention. Yet, it still reflects his voice, which is the art of good editing.

So, if any person within range of my website has need for writing services, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Each project will be handled as an individual challenge that will lead to the literary outcome desired by you, my valued clients. To reach me, go to the Contact tab and send an e-mail. I’ll be answering very quickly.